Page name: Curves are Sexy [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-28 04:31:35
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Hello There!

Welcome to Curves are Sexy.

We are living in a world that only recognizes one type of beauty. We are bombarded with picture after picture of slender supermodels which is taking its toll on our attutides towards our physical appearances and our lifestyles. I myself feel it is about time someone knocked some sense into the media.

This wiki is here to promote good health for women (and men) of all shapes and sizes. To raise awareness that having the "body perfect" is not everything and sometimes isn't attractive at all! It is here to encourage a healthy, balanced diet and self respect.

There is a misconstrued definition of what "Curvy" is. Here we believe curvy is of a healthy weight, with a defined curve to the body. Which could be anything from an hourglass shape to a large chest. Its not suporting over-weight or obesity, just health and good self esteem in what is natural.


“Curvy women are more likely to live longer than their slimmer counterparts, researchers have found.”
for the full article :

The Test?

Social parts:
CAS Members- Do you agree? Well, what are you waiting for? Join the list!
CAS Banners- Add one to your house if you want :)

We love Curves!- the gallery to show off what nature gave you!
Famous Curves a gallery of all the healthy celebs. Feel free to add your own celebrity images.
The Protest Page! break free from the media's view of beauty and express yourself here.
What We're Fighting For kind of self explainitory

Dietary information:
Eating disorders- Some basic information on EDs.
FAT- Its necessary

Owner - The Amazing [Love like Winter.]
Co-Owner - The Allmighty [Dirty Lil Juggalette]

Co-Owner - [Roosey]

Got any problems or need to talk to someone about this wiki, message us.

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Beauty Comes In All Shapes & Sizes

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2006-11-16 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Mine was like 21 or something o.0 13.5 is total....baad

2006-11-16 [Love like Winter.]: Considering that starvation is under 15.. Hmm..

2006-11-16 [De'ladrei]: Damn another one dead too? :\
At least her mother is doing something decent about it.
Rather than going "but she died thin"

2006-11-16 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Eh least i know im no where near starvation o.0 but like...Wow

2006-11-19 [kdfjhg]: i'm going to join because i have a healthy body. my figure is that of a Greek sculpture.

2006-11-19 [Love like Winter.]: Hey, welcome.. Yeah, mine too :)

2006-11-19 [kdfjhg]: after being seen nude by 'individuals' and commented multiple times i've finally come to the realization that my figure isn't horrible anymore.

2006-11-19 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: my dad said another model died from starvation

2006-11-19 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I think everyone should have confidence in themselves and work to be healthy not..scary. lol

2006-11-19 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lmao agreed

2006-11-19 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xDD I dunno where that came from :P

2006-11-19 [shardae le fae]: w00t greek sculpture bodies *drools*

2006-11-19 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I dun have one of them but i'm happish with my body =]

2006-11-19 [shardae le fae]: I think i do

2006-11-19 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD Awesome. Go you ^^

2006-11-19 [shardae le fae]: yeah ^^

2006-11-19 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: hehe

2006-11-19 [shardae le fae]: so how are you today?

2006-11-19 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Awesome thanks, you? ^^

2006-11-19 [shardae le fae]: i'm okay

2006-11-19 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Good =]

2006-11-19 [shardae le fae]: sooo what's going on?

2006-11-19 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Nothing really. Just watching Green Mile ^^ You?

2006-11-19 [shardae le fae]: eak have that...just on here wating for my boyfriend to pay some attention to me

2006-11-19 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: =[ sounds..not very fun

2006-11-19 [shardae le fae]: yeah...

2006-11-19 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Well that uber sucks hun

2006-11-23 [EmmaExCore.]:

IM BAAAK!!! <3

2006-11-23 [Love like Winter.]: Hello o,O

2006-11-23 [De'ladrei]: Wow that's an annoying tag useage >.<

2006-11-23 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I think she wanted to announce that to everbody..Like it or not xD

2006-11-26 [shardae le fae]: *falls*

2006-11-26 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: eek!!! no falling >_< i ban you all from falling!!!

2006-11-26 [Love like Winter.]: o,O

2006-11-26 [Ethereal Blue]: ... That's like... UBER creepy... I was about to fall a little while ago... And then I caught myself... O_O;;


2006-11-27 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lmao

2006-12-02 [shardae le fae]: .... okay

2006-12-03 [EmmaExCore.]: am i annoying?? V_V

2006-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: Awww, no.. YOUR not annoying... It was your last messege :P

2006-12-03 [shardae le fae]: big words.....are slightly annoying

2006-12-03 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Big words be scary ^_^

2006-12-03 [shardae le fae]: yup people fall





2006-12-04 [FireGypsy]: Pfft, someone needs a life...

2006-12-04 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: that was...strange...

2006-12-04 [DeeJay™]: i liked it. its somethin different, as opposed to all your negative comments

2006-12-04 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: what can I say, I'm the world's happiest pessimist.

2006-12-04 [DeeJay™]: im an optimistic defeatist. you win :(

2006-12-04 [Love like Winter.]: I'm a realistic idealist :P

2006-12-04 [DeeJay™]: awh! yours sounds better than mine too :'(

2006-12-05 [EmmaExCore.]: well... im a pessimistic optimist...

yer fuck yoo all!!!!!!!!!!

and i dont need a life... im quite happy with the one i got fankyoo...

and if yoo want me to be as boring as yoo are, please, just ask...

2006-12-05 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: ok...i'm annoyed easily so...if i see you [EmmaExCore.] and you Sasha...exchanging comments after this...i will flip out...Sasha please avoid telling people they need a life...and it's pretty immature to respond the way you did [EmmaExCore.]...if someone makes a comment thats beyond wrong THEN by all means talk as much shit as you can

2006-12-05 [Love like Winter.]: *looks at Jess* o,O Yeeeah, what she said!

2006-12-05 [DeeJay™]: yeah! Grrr! *shakes fist*

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Why do people like always have to make nasty coments at eachother..? I really don't see the point.

2006-12-05 [DeeJay™]: *shrugs*

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Meh just weird people I guess. :P

2006-12-05 [DeeJay™]: or maybe they just mis-interpret(sp?) the text :P

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD PErhaps..Oh well :P

2006-12-05 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: wait, you cant be an optimistic pessimist, it contradicts itself...

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I think that was the point..

2006-12-06 [DeeJay™]: you cant be too optimistic if your a defeatist either . .

2006-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Okay, [FireGypsy] and [EmmaExCore.]. Any more comments about this will be deleted. Take your issues with each other OFF my wiki please. Thank you.

2006-12-06 [DeeJay™]: :O you deleted my comments too! :'(

2006-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Sorry, just putting an end to the whole thing. Although, if its any comfort, I agreed with you :P

2006-12-06 [Iron-wulf]: Damn I missed the fight :(

2006-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: there wasn't a fight...just an annoyance

2006-12-06 [Iron-wulf]: Ohh well i enjoy seeing those as well.

2006-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: wait, there was a fight? damn, i like annoying fights, they annoy me...

2006-12-06 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Hence the word annoying.

2006-12-06 [FireGypsy]: My comment! Gah! Damn you all and your censorship!!!

2006-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: FIGHT THE MAN!!!

2006-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Or.. the woman in this case :P

2006-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: haha tis true

2006-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: OMG! My toes are so effin' numb! (out walking in the rain again :S)

2006-12-06 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Rain <3 ^_^

2006-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Lol, I stood in a puddle.. and my stupid converse absorbed all the water >.<

2006-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: converse don't protect feet very well sweety

2006-12-06 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD Doesn't seem so..

2006-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: I know.. but I didn't mean to stand in the puddle :P

2006-12-06 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Are you suuure?

2006-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i can see Erin all happy to jump in puddles...thats how i was when i was her age!!!

2006-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Sorry to dissapoint you... But I HATE getting my feet wet :(

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I like jumping in puddles...But wet feet sucks..:p

2006-12-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol...yeah they do but so fun to run through puddles...and according to my friend Josh...i run like a boy 0_0

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: o.0 My brother runs like a girl hehe...I just run like..An Alex. ^_^

2006-12-07 [Love like Winter.]: I run like an Erin.. I have my own special retarded way ^_^

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Me too, which is why I run like an Alex. =D

2006-12-07 [FireGypsy]: I try not to run ^_^ I am lazy lol!

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ^_^ I'm just plain unfit..xD

2006-12-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i have asthma so i can't run for long...gotta love living in an area that has a lot of air pollution, and having a parent that didn't care if you were in the room when she smoked

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Both my parents used to smoke and now they quit..I'm soooo thankful for that..I have no health problems whatsoever apart from a cold..I'm just unfit. ^_^

2006-12-07 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Both my parents smoke, I have asthma, allergies, and a permanently injured ankle... I also have thyroid problems, hence, I'm obese.

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: o.0 Ouch...Well I dun think you look obese o.0

2006-12-07 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Thank you. :) It's all in my thighs and tummy and upper arms.

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I bet you dun look obese at all. *Hugs*

2006-12-07 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *hugs back* :)

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ^_^

2006-12-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: the only problem i have is asthma, i'm pretty healthy other than that...

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Goodgood ^_^

2006-12-07 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I wish I was the same way... v.v I'm getting DDR for Christmas, though, so I'll be losing soon! ^-^

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Hehe cool ^_^!

2006-12-07 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Yup! I'm excited! ^-^ My cousin lost 100 pounds with DDR, I'm hoping for the same results.

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: WOAH! If I lost that i'd only weigh like...26 pounds *o.0*

2006-12-07 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol I'd weigh 122 lbs.

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: In fact no i'd weigh more then that but was just an example..Oh well :P Short people rule! ^_^

2006-12-07 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol I don't think I'll lose that much, only about sixty-seventy pounds at the max.

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Mmm I wanna beeee 5 pounds less just for the sake of it XD *Tries to work it out* Hmm..

2006-12-07 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol I'm tall and largely-built, so I'd look funny and annorexic at 122 lbs. My healthy weight would be about 150-170 lbs.

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: :P I'm tiny ^_^

2006-12-07 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I'm 5'7". lol Broad shouldered, large, motherly hips... Yeah, I'm built big. lol I can't pull off tiny-skinny.

2006-12-07 [FireGypsy]: I am tiny too! I have been 105 lbs for like ever!

2006-12-07 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol Lucky! XP

2006-12-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i lost 45 lbs from that game, and that was me playing for many hours every day every day for a couple months and i barely ever ate...and i'm not even exagerating

2006-12-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: it wasn't a very healthy thing to do...but i wasn't thinking about losing weight or the health part of it...i was just busy all the time lol

2006-12-07 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol Yeah.

2006-12-07 [FireGypsy]: I am lucky, but it will catch up to me someday unfortunately!

2006-12-07 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *nod* Possibly.

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I have like a really small waist..Unlike the girls in my year (All the stick insects) I have a figure. ^_^ I'm only 5'1 ^_^! Sahsa..105? :p I weigh more than that! xD

2006-12-07 [Love like Winter.]: I'm not thin but I am quite slim for all the junk food I eat lol. Eatting the way I do, I should be fatter.

I don't normally eat so badly but its cause its winter.. I just go nuts and eat loads :S its horrible cause it makes me feel sickly. Damn S.A.D! >.<

2006-12-07 [Love like Winter.]: I'm only 4'11.5 :P

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I eat quite alot when i'm bored..Or upset. xD And being a chocoholic does not help at all. =D My cousin is 4'11 but she used to be anorexic...I could never be anorexic I'd miss my food too much. ^_^

2006-12-07 [Love like Winter.]: Well, for my height (4'11.5) and age (16), my ideal weight is anywhere between 81-121 pounds... But I couldn't imagine being 81 pounds o,O

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I have no idea what my average weight would be xD I just sorta..Try to eat right and do some exercise. ^_^

2006-12-07 [Love like Winter.]: I just saw this music video on the TV..

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Ohh! I saw that a while back..Tis good ^_^

2006-12-07 [Love like Winter.]: I know... I'm glad that there are bands out there to point these things out and stand up for what is right.

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I thought it was a really good idea..Like Dove not having anorexic girls in their adverts and stuff...It'll be better once people listen to stuff liek that...Its a good song too ^_~

2006-12-07 [FireGypsy]: Yeah Keikei 105 ^_^ I am 5'4", like uber short lol!

2006-12-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *pokes* hahahahaha, shorty. I'm 6'2. and thick as hell...

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I'm like 3 inches shorter than Sasha and 15 pounds heavier.. XD

2006-12-07 [Love like Winter.]: Same, I'm 4 inches shorter and 15 pounds heavier.. But hey, aint diversity a good thing? :P

2006-12-07 [Love like Winter.]: Although, I havn't weighed myself since Easter.. I may be lighter since then *shrugs*

2006-12-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: i weigh a good 215 lbs. I feel so helpful.

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD I weigh myself most days..although I suppose fat percentage would be better than weight because Muscle weighs more than fat etc..

2006-12-07 [Love like Winter.]: Excactly.. And I have some pretty good muscles. Though I may think my arms are fat, the above sides at the top are pretty firm and rounded when felt. Also the outta half of my thighs are toned... I have toned calfes too *shrugs*

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I dun have a clue about mine xD

2006-12-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: my legs can bench about 800lbs, i feel so special. I myself can bench about 200lbs

2006-12-07 [FireGypsy]: I am leg press over 400 lbs ^_^ I don't know where I got the leg muscle from but it really pays off! Actually, I am very muscular. My arms look like man arms when I flex!!! I am a pretty strong, tough babe!

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD Cool ^^

2006-12-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: people thought I was weak and a pansy because I'm french. Then I got into a fight.

2006-12-07 [Love like Winter.]: Well, to say that I would be aggresive because I'm Irish would be silly :P

So, I fail to see their logic there...

2006-12-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ^_^ I'm full English here...What part of France is that meant to be then? :p
Hehe Yu Yu Hakusho has an Irish character..But hes hilarious..:p

2006-12-08 [FireGypsy]: Yeah, people thought I was the "weird chick in metal fab" in high school, then I got into a fight, and they voted me class rebel at prom ^_^ And I was queen, but that doesn't count since the teachers picked the royalty n shit...

2006-12-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD I fight alot at school but most of the guys who have a problem with me are wimpy. Well thats what you get for having an older brother..

2006-12-08 [Love like Winter.]: Yeah, I think it says something about a guy when they pick on a shorter girl..

2006-12-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Well I'm shorter than everyone..One guy threw me against the lockers once...A teacher walk out while I was hitting him..Wasn't too good xD

2006-12-08 [Love like Winter.]: OMG O,O

2006-12-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD Yeeep. But having an older brother and cousins to beat on you alot gets you tougher really.

2006-12-08 [FireGypsy]: I beat on my younger siblings lol!

2006-12-08 [Love like Winter.]: See, when he was holding you up against the locker, you should have kicked him in the balls >.<

2006-12-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD You're doing them a favour. ^_^ Trust me. Ahh nah I punched him in the stomach and like..He bent over covering his face and balls so I went for his stomach. It was sorta amusing I guess..

2006-12-09 [Dwemer]: What kind of guy hits / pushes girls anyway? Hmm.

2006-12-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Umm a guy in my year? He actually said he was scared of me..which made me laugh. ^_^

2006-12-10 [Dwemer]: Girls can be scary, especialy when they start hitting guys :P But how scary are you really? ;) I bet you're nice person.

2006-12-10 [shardae le fae]: <img:> hahaha! i edited a pic on my wiki anti-anorexia the orignal is there too

2006-12-10 [Love like Winter.]: She's very ermmm, orange :P

2006-12-10 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Looks like the fake tan most people use anyway. I think it's relatively accurate. lol

2006-12-10 [shardae le fae]: she is very prweerwty

2006-12-10 [FireGypsy]: Lol!

2006-12-10 [Ethereal Blue]: *Blinks* Does she have... A beard?! O_O;;

2006-12-10 [FireGypsy]: O_o

2006-12-10 [Love like Winter.]: lmao xD

2006-12-10 [Ethereal Blue]: CAN'T YOU SEE IT?! O_O;

Sorry, I realy do find it a lovely thought and if it weren't for me seeing a beard on her... I'd be able to say nothing but praise. -_-;

I fail.

2006-12-10 [Love like Winter.]: I do see the beard... I didn't until you mentioned it :P

2006-12-10 [FireGypsy]: Lol I see it now too! <img:mood10_gif.gif>

2006-12-10 [Ethereal Blue]: Hahahahahaha. I'm so horrible. xD

2006-12-10 [Love like Winter.]: Aww, I feel bad for [shardae le fae]. It is cool though :)

2006-12-10 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: sup yall

2006-12-10 [Love like Winter.]: Not much.. Just commenting on the picture above..

2006-12-10 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: it looks like a fucked up smiley that is tryin to shit out a pair of wings

2006-12-10 [Ethereal Blue]: xD
And enjoying ourselves, while we're at it.

I actually do love the message of the picture and the effort she made (and continuously makes) is always heart-felt and awesome.

2006-12-10 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: yup

2006-12-10 [Ethereal Blue]: Uhm... Riiight...

2006-12-10 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: i am so fucked up

2006-12-10 [Ethereal Blue]: Clearly. If you're here to do nothing bu bash, you can go. Just so it's out in the open.

2006-12-10 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: w/e

2006-12-10 [Ethereal Blue]: *But

And no, it's not "w/e". It's an "Okay" because this isn't your wiki and if you're going to be rude here, you can go do so elsewhere.

2006-12-10 [Iron-wulf]: What is he talking about?

2006-12-10 [Ethereal Blue]: Nevermind..

2006-12-10 [Love like Winter.]: [Ethereal Blue], whats your problem? <img:m-jpg.gif>

2006-12-10 [Ethereal Blue]: He was rude...

2006-12-10 [Love like Winter.]: He wasn't really... all he said was "i am so fucked up" which is what seemed to offend you o,O

2006-12-10 [Ethereal Blue]: No, I wasn't offended by that at all. Not then, at least. I just said: "Clearly. If you're here to do nothing but bash, you can go. Just so it's out in the open." and... Just... Nevermind. Forget it.

2006-12-11 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: man sombody asked what i thought so i told um so dont mother fuckin step to me wid dat bullshit

2006-12-11 [Ihsahn]: and don't try to start shit.

2006-12-11 [Iron-wulf]: haha

2006-12-11 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: yea dat too

2006-12-11 [Iron-wulf]: Yeah all he was doing was psychoticaly rambling. Thats what too much hip-hop will do to you.

2006-12-11 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: actualy thaat was what being stoned drunk and playin icp as loud as i can for 8 hours straight did

2006-12-11 [Iron-wulf]: Well its great that if it was diding something that it straight did it.

2006-12-11 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ...o.0 Uhummm Random.
And I am pretty scary, its true. ^_^

2006-12-11 [Iron-wulf]: Who said you were scary?

2006-12-11 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: yea who said dat

2006-12-11 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Me, but its on the page before. :o
We were talking about fighting.

2006-12-11 [Iron-wulf]: Ohh I see well I think all the fighting needs to stop around here. I mean this wiki is for like-minded people not for debates.

2006-12-11 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD Ohhh, I meant like real life fighting, not verbal disputes.
Although, I do agree. ^_^

2006-12-11 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: yea

2006-12-12 [FireGypsy]: I like physical fighting ^_^

2006-12-12 [Iron-wulf]: Dont we all?

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